July 24-30, 2024: “Syntaxe et interprétation dans deux poèmes de Trakl.” For Penser la lecture: L’herméneutique littéraire dans un horizon élargi / Literary Hermeneutics in an Expanded Horizon. Centre culturel international de Cerisy-La-Salle. Cerisy-La-Salle, France. Invited talk.

April 18, 2024: “The Problem of Morphological Comparison: Goethe, Wittgenstein, Lévi-Strauss.” Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD. Invited talk.

April 5-6, 2024: “The Epistolary Poem: Goethe & Marianne von Willemer.” Presentation & discussion facilitator for “Goethe’s Letters” workshop. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. Principal organizer, host, & co-presenter.

March 14-17, 2024: “The Concept of Lebenswelt in Schütz & Blumenberg’s Theories of the Novel.” For the panel “Theory without Object: Histories and Historical Accounts.” American Comparative Literature Association. Montréal, Canada. Presenter & Co-Organizer.

Nov. 9, 2023: “Margaret Fuller: A Wild Life in German Letters.” Gerald R. Kleinfeld Lecture in History, Culture, & Politics. Wartburg College. Waverly, Iowa. Invited lecture funded by the founder of the German Studies Association Gerald Kleinfeld.

Oct. 5-9, 2023: “‘Banker by day, philosopher by night:’ Alfred Schütz’s Essays on Goethe’s Meister Novels.” For the seminar “Goethe as Theoretical Touchstone.” German Studies Association. Montréal, Canada. Presenter & co-organizer.

Sept. 15, 2023: “Vital Exuberance: Goethe on What Plants Want.” St. John’s College Dean’s Lecture Series. Annapolis, MD. Invited talk.

July 14-15, 2023: “Stefan George und die Tradition des Lieds.” Lecture for the Peter-Szondi-Kolleg. Universität Osnabrück. Invited talk.

July 13, 2023: Interview for a documentary on nineteenth-century literature featuring Goethe produced by 1895 Films.

June 7 – 10, 2023: “Language as energeia: Hegel & Wilhelm von Humboldt.” Internationaler Hegel-Kongress. Stuttgart, Germany. Invited talk for a panel on the three forms of Absolute Spirit (religion, art, philosophy).

April 28, 2023: “Models of Poetic Visibility in Rilke’s Buch der Bilder: Dialogue, Role, Thing.” For a conference devoted to the new text-genetic edition of Rilke’s Buch der Bilder. University of Chicago. Invited talk.

April 14-15, 2023: “The Poetics of Lightness (Leichtigkeit): Wilhelm Tischbeins Idyllen.” Presentation & discussion facilitator for “Goethe’s Poetry” workshop. Invited co-organizer & presenter. Columbia University.

March 31, 2023: “Zueignung: On the Genre of Dedication & Acknowledgments.” University of Pittsburgh. Invited talk.

Dec. 5, 2022: “Charles Follen’s Fichtean Argument for Abolition.” Virtual roundtable for the DAAD-funded Project “Cultural Transfer and Interdisciplinary Dialogues: German Thought on the Move.” Center for European Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Invited to organize and present.

Oct. 7, 2022: “Metamorphoses of Life: Mythic, Scientific, Social.” Lecture & guided gallery tour on incorporating museum resources into pedagogy for the Germans Friends of the Busch-Reisinger Museum. Invited talk.

Sept. 20, 2022: “Goethe’s Poetic Oeuvre: A User’s Manual.” New England Conservatory of Music Song Lab. Invited talk for Lied singers.

May 30 – June 1, 2022: “Honorio als Krypto-Indianer: Transatlantische Wechselwirkungen in Goethes Novelle.” Form, Time, and Genre. Zurich, Switzerland. Invited talk.

May 19 – 20, 2022: “Fragen der Übersetzbarkeit: Margaret Fullers Goethe.” Goethe in/and America: Perspektiven der Transatlantischen Literaturforschung. Weimar, Germany. Invited talk.

Jan. 6 – 9, 2022: “Ritual Deformations: Goethe’s ‘Roman Carnival’ & the Life of Social Practices.” Modern Language Association. Washington, D.C.

Nov. 5 – 7, 2021: “Historicizing the Ideal: Goethe and the Antiquarian Sciences.” Goethe’s Things: Triannual Atkins Conference. Chicago, Il.

Oct. 23 – 24, 2021: “Literaturgeschichte als Formproblem: Stefan Georges Reim.” Überforderung der Form. Leipzig, Germany. Invited talk.

Sept. 30 – Oct. 3, 2021: “Displacements: Paul Celan’s Translations of Emily Dickinson in Transatlantic Context.” For the panel “Transatlantic Literary History.” German Studies Association, Indianapolis, IN.

Sept. 30 – Oct. 4, 2020: “The Poetic Performativity of Force (Kraft) in Goethe’s Writings.” For the panel “Forces of Nature.” German Studies Association. Conducted on Zoom.

Oct. 3 – 6, 2019: “Bewegliche Ordnung: Goethe’s Hexameter.” For the seminar “Goethe as a Heterodox Thinker.” German Studies Association. Portland, OR.

June 26 – 27, 2019: Introduction to Wilhelm von Humboldt’s Interpretation of Goethe’s Märchen. Dynamic Forms Workshop. Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL). Berlin, Germany.

May 30 – June 2, 2019: “Von der schenkenden Tugend.” Lektüre zu mehrt: Friedrich Nietzsches ‘Also sprach Zarathustra.’ Treffen des Peter-Szondi-Kollegs. Marbach, Germany. Invited talk.

May 2 – 5, 2019: “Geduld.” Inaugural Goethe-Lexicon for Philosophical Concepts Workshop. Pittsburgh, PN.

March 20 – 22, 2019: “‘bloß ein Lehrgedicht:’ Rhetorik und sinnliches Denken in Schillers ‘Reich der Schatten.’” Schillers Feste der Rhetorik. Marbach, Germany. Invited talk.

Sept. 27 – 30, 2018: “Subordination as Poetic Principle.” Introduction to Tynianov’s Problems of Verse Language for the seminar “Literary Morphology before and after Goethe.” German Studies Association. Pittsburgh, PN.

Aug. 14 – 17, 2018: “Metrische Ruinen als Paradox des Formgewinns: Rilkes erste Duineser Elegie.” Fondation Rilke. Sierre, Switzerland.

Nov. 3 – 5, 2017: “Poetic Prose: On the Intertwining of Narrative and Lyric Forms in Goethe’s Novelle.” Atkins Goethe Conference. State College, PN.

Oct. 5 – 8, 2017: “From ‘geistige Formeln’ to ‘Pathosformel:’ Goethe and Warburg on the Morphology of Images.” German Studies Association. Atlanta, GA.

Feb. 16 – 18, 2017: “Reading the Sky: Myth and the Materiality of Inscription in Hölderlin’s Homburger Folioheft.” Epiphane Wirklichkeiten: Sprachen der Dinge in Literatur und Künsten. Berlin-Cambridge-Chicago Triangel-Konferenz. Berlin, Germany.

Jan. 4 – 7, 2017: “Incipience: Goethe’s Animal Aesthetics as a Solution to Schillerian Paradoxes.” Eastern American Philosophical Association. Baltimore, MD.

Sept. 29 – Oct. 2, 2016: “On the Possibility of Poetic Embodiment: Articulatory Gesture in Paul Celan’s ‘Offene Glottis.’” German Studies Association. San Diego, CA.

March 14 – 16, 2016: “Consolations of Form: On the Temporality of Rhyme in Goethe’s ‘Im ernsten Beinhaus war’s.” Schlusspoetik: Goethes Spätstil. Chicago, IL.

Feb. 25 – 27, 2016: “Rilkes absolute Metapher: Der Fall Jakobson und das Schicksal einer Verallgemeinerung.” Strukturalismus, heute. Hannover, Germany.